"Polly Jean"
Summer's Good Golly Miss Polly

"Polly Jean" is out of our lovely Can. CH. Summer's Miss Jane & sired by the sweet "Apollo"  - Am. CH. Mi-T Distinguished Gentleman.

Polly's Pedigree

"Polly Jean" stole my heart very early on with her sweet and gentle personality, I knew she would never leave, so she has stayed here with us at Summer Boxers.
Polly has taken a Basic Obedience class & has taken agility & puppy kindergarten classes as a young puppy.

"Polly Jean" (1 year old) enjoying her favorite bed.

"Polly Jean" (1 year old) in the yard on a beautiful September day.

"Silly Polly" (11 months)
"Polly Jean" (headstudy at 10 mos)

"Polly Jean" (10 1/2 months), "Mr. Spock" (3 1/2 years) & me during our summer vacation on Galiano Island, B.C. (Gulf Islands, July 2007).
"Polly Jean"  (10 1/2 months) posing for a picture on the beach during our summer vacation on Galiano Island, B.C. (Gulf Islands, July 2007).
"Polly Jean"  (10 1/2 months) at the cottage on Galiano Island, B.C.
"Polly Jean" (9 months) catching a sunbeam

"Polly Jean" helps grandma "Stella" make a Boxer Sandwich out of "Mr. Spock"!
"Polly Jean" basking in the Summer sun (9 months)

"Polly Jean" (3 months) sitting pretty for her picture

"Polly Jean" (3 months)..."did you get the picture?"

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This page was created on August 4, 2007 by Josie O'Reilly & updated on November 11, 2008. I can be reached via e-mail at: boxrlady@telusplanet.net