
graphic by Naomi Gibbs

Below are photos of my  Boxers 
To see & read more about them click on their names to go to their individual pages:
Stella, Dash Riprock, Mr.Spock, GiGi, Miss Jane & Kafka

MORE Family Album photos!!
more "FRIENDS" of Summer Boxers

Naja Boxers Litter (Shania x Dash Riprock) From L-R: floor: Oly, Quincy, Tasha, Adia, Harley & Mr. Spock; on the sled: Zoe, Mia & Ziggy at almost 7 weeks of age. (Photo by Vavra Photography).

"Do you hear something moving under the snow?"
(Mr.Spock - 5 mos & Miss Jane - 23 mos)

Mr. Spock (graphics by by breeder Naomi Gibbs, Naja Boxers)

Christmas 2009
"Mr. Spock" (6 1/2 yrs), "GiGi" (2 yrs) & "Stella" (13 yrs)

Christmas 2009
"Mr. Spock" (6 1/2 yrs), "GiGi" (2 yrs) & "Stella" (13 yrs)

Christmas 2009
"Mr. Spock" (6 1/2 yrs), "GiGi" (2 yrs) & "Stella" (13 yrs)

"New Years Eve 2002"
"Dash Riprock" (2 yrs), "Kafka" (12 yrs), "Miss Jane" (9 mos) & "Stella" (6 yrs)
Christmas 2008
"Mr. Spock" (5 1/2 yrs), "GiGi" (1 yr) & "Stella" (12 yrs)

Mr. Spock (16 wks), Miss Jane (21  mos) & Kafka (13 yrs)

Stella (6 yrs) & Kafka (12 yrs) sharing a pillow on a winter day.

Miss Jane (18 mos)& me in the ring the day she finished her Canadian Championship winning Best of Winners for 5points

Miss Jane (18 mos) in the ring the day she finished her Canadian Championship winning Best of Winners for 5points

From L-R: Stella (7 yrs),Miss Jane (22  mos), Mr. Spock (17 wks) & Kafka (13 yrs),

Miss Jane & her ball (9 mos.)

Sweet Dreams (Stella at 6 yrs)

From L-R: Stella (7 yrs), Kafka (13 yrs), Mr. Spock (16 wks) & Miss Jane (21  mos)

Miss Jane (2 yrs) & her dam Stella (7 1/2 yrs) relaxing on the deck on a hot summer day
Me & Mr. Spock (7 weeks)
Me & "Mr. Spock"  (7 mos) at ABC National 
Specialty 2004 in Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky
(photo by Spock's breeder Naomi Gibbs, Naja Boxers).

Mr. Spock on his new bed after a hard day of playing.

"Mr. Spock meets Mr. Ed"(miniature pony)at "Pets In The Park" in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
"I Love You" (Stella - 7 1/ 2yrs & my nephew Mike)
"Now this is what I call COZY!" (Mr. Spock -9 mos & my nephew Ben sharing a hammock).
"Hey that's a pretty snazzy collar...do ya suppose that pattern would come in a halter?" (Mr. Spock - 9mos. & a miniature pony at "Pets in The Park" in Edmonton. Alberta Canada)

Mr. Spock  (9 mos)

"Whatcha Lookin' At?"(Mr. Spock at 9 mos.)

"How did you know I was in the garden again"? (Mr.Spock - 9 1/2 mos)

"Mr. Spock" (10 wks) & "Miss Jane"(20 mos) enjoying the warmth of the suns rays.

"This is a great lounger on a hot summer day" (Mr.Spock - 9 1/2 mos)

"Mr. Spock" (7 wks) & Miss Jane (19 1/2 mos) snuggling on the couch  his 1st day home.

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