-6- I am
thrilled about
exciting new frozen
litter, of 7
Fawn puppies, sired
by our
homebred boy"MAYNARD"born
OCTOBER -31- Our
- GCH Summer's
Mantra, CDX RN
in the Sporting Detection Dog Association
(SDDA) Sanctioned "Boneyard Challenge" which was
held across Canada! We had to search 5 hotel rooms in 5
minutes to find one hide in each room. The rooms were
filled with A LOT of Halloween paraphernalia and
decorations at various heights! Maynard was so focused and
driven! He never stopped working! He did find all 5 hides
but we went over time by a few seconds so did not qualify,
but still placed 2nd out of 12 at the Untitled/Started
level! I realize I used up some time waiting at the
threshold of each door letting him sniff the air before
entering. But...what a thrill!!! My adrenaline was
going!!! And I am so pleased by the judges and time
keepers comments, after each room was searched they kept
saying what a lovely worker he is!
a "Mr. Spock" daughter "Kandy" - Katandy's Sweet
Kandy Kiss, CGC TKA(ex. Am CH. Katandy's Kiss In The
Moonlight) earned her AKC Advanced Trick Dog certificate(TKA) with her owner Kristin Calhoun! Kandy also
previously earned her AKC Intermediate Trick Dog
certificate (TKI)! "Kandy"
was bred by Lee Morris (Katandy Boxers). WAY TO GO TEAM
Last weekend Silas earned
his Master Vehicle title!
also had a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place over the weekend!! Who
says the old dogs can't win? Silas
is trained and
handled by his
homebred"Dash Riprock"
- GCH Summer's
Mantra, CDX RN
Ientered our very first Sporting Detection Dog
Association(SDDA) trial. We competed in all 3
components (Containers, Interior Building & Exterior Vehicles)
at the Started Level. Maynard quickly found the hides in
all 3 components! For the Exterior Vehicles there were 3 Vehicles
and Maynard found the hide in 12 seconds & only
because I paused in alerting! Both the judge & the
steward/timer thanked Maynard for being so fast as it was -8C with
a very bitter cold wind! LOL! Maynard placed in the Top 3 overall with a 3rd
place from a class of 14 dogs!NOTE:
With Maynard passing
all 3
components of
the same level
at the same
trial he
achieved his
Sporting Dog
title with
with a Special
designation! The next day we braved
the cold winds again and I moved Maynard up to the Advanced
level. I'm not sure we were quite ready to compete at this
level but Maynard qualified in the Interior search (2 hides)
towards his Advanced title placing in the Top 3 again!!!
Once again under the fun and personable judge Kelly Ladouceur!
-4- Our
homebred"Dash Riprock" /"GiGi"son"Maynard"
- GCH Summer's
Mantra, CDX RN
CA HIC VBpassed his Wintergreen
Designated Odour Test (DOT) tonight in his last
Novice/Started Scent Detection class! We also successfully did a
blind interior and exterior search tonight and he worked so
well! I love this boy! He works so hard!
-19- a "Mr. Spock" daughter "Kandy" - Katandy's Sweet Kandy
Kiss, CGC TKN (ex. Am CH. Katandy's Kiss In The
Moonlight) earned her AKC Novice Trick Dog certificate(TKN) with her owner Kristin Calhoun! "Kandy" was
bred by Lee Morris (Katandy Boxers). WAY TO GO TEAM KANDY!!